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    Or perhaps regret for ever encouraging son George to go into politics... realizing too late that Jeb was the more…
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  • Breaking down doors, corraling unarmed men, women and children with guns, dragging people out of cars...  Those are the same…
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  • Thank you for sharing this. Very few of our troops can do what this man does -- to have the…
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  • There seems to be a meme going around that the Republican moderates lost because they weren't conservative enough.  In fact,…
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  • Sometimes the radical wingnuts seem to forget that lesbians can, in fact, have babies (they just need a little outside…
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  • Because if we do NOT impeach, and allow this administration to leave office without facing any penalty or judgment for…
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  • I know a lot of people who work in the federal government, either as fed employees or contractors. Let me…
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  • As I recall, this is an oath taken en mass anyway... they all do it at the same time, standing…
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  • Oooh, and that's the Rackham-illustrated edition... talk about a classic!   There's a lot of strong moral lessons to be…
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  • I need to upgrade my browser and video-streaming software so I can watch him live online....  I usually only get…
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  • The problem is that it's easy to promise reform when you are not the one holding the power... but once…
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  • You're right in that the United States has no particular interest in how the Shi'a/Sunni dispute plays out -- insofar…
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  • I did not know the origin of the peace sign -- that's interesting!  I only remember my grandmother getting very…
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  • I think it comes down to do I trust their sense of judgment on public policy issues... and realizing that…
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  • We only ask an even chance to live as other men live. We ask to be recognized as men. We…
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  • You know the first thing that popped into my head when skimming the last item -- about the "web disentanglement…
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  • The primary thing the lobbyists do is present the views and positions of particular industries or groups with a common…
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  • It's even worse than that.  Because the Iraanians DO NOT have the same weapons we have, they've repeatedly said they…
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  • The influence of the netroots, as the growing Web-based Democrats have come to be called, is likely to stifle an…
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  • All this Media reporting of inner party "conflict" on the Dem side... has anyone in the press talked about the…
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