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    Good morning, everyone.... oooh, COFFEE! I meant to sleep in today, but I've gotten three election phone calls already (two…
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  • Thank you, Supersoling, for the research on this -- it's one of the most fascinating (at least to me) bits…
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  • I do believe that's as close to a battlefield as our Flat Leader has ever gotten. A pity he didn't…
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  • Well, it's certainly possible that had the Treaty of Versailles not been so vindictive and economically devastating to the people…
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  • Yep, an orca makes sense.  If it beached itself and died of exposure, that would explain its relatively intact condition…
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  • This is the kind of candidate we need a few thousand more of, across the country and in Washington DC:…
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  • (Gah, please excuse typos, I proofed it and they still snuck by me... I need more coffee.)
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  • Here's an interesting bit from today's Washington Post:   Blogging Under The Radar The Lebanese government forbids its citizens contact…
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  • Just the extent to which Chavez is going -- visiting national leaders, making progress in establishing those relationships with foreign…
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  • The unmitigated quest not only for profits, but a guaranteed and constantly rising level of profits, has undermined far too…
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  • In the meantime, Hizbollah's Reconstruction of Lebanon is Winning the Loyalty of Disaffected Shia...   But for now - and…
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  • He should be stripped of all benefits of seniority and party affiliation NOW -- since he has deliberately and intentionally…
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  • I'm in Maryland (Montgomery County) --  I tend to comment more than post diaries, though. Mostly here, sometimes on DKos.…
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  • Hizb'allah was a huge employer and significant part of people's lives in southern Lebanon even before the Israeli bombings. They…
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  • This would sound like satire, except it's obviously not....   And they don't even see the irony in putting their…
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  • I've written a letter to Senator Mikulski on this issue. Usually she's been pretty solid on things for us (we've…
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  • I need to go read the whole story, but the one thing that jumped out at me even from reading…
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  • We're very glad to have you!  I appreciate your perspective on international issues, and the depth of your resesarch!  
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  • We should train health care professionals to prevent, diagnose, and treat obesity, overweight conditions, and eating disorders; provide the resources…
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  • The problem with the whole "you must negotiate from a position of strength" argument -- which does have its place…
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