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    The State Department has just issed a draft plan for future invasions of future countries. It aspires to show America…
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  • In fact, Iran's government was starting to relax on some of the stricter theocratic dogma -- there's a lot of…
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  • I love your family.... 🙂   I do like the Statue of Liberty poem -- it's a bit long (I…
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  • I'll remember that -- they call me about every other week.  ðŸ™‚ GO RUSS!!!  The more I hear of him,…
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  • The Administration can't STAND the idea that there's something more to do with oil profits than ... well, get obscenely…
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  • You know, there's something to be said for  liberal/progressive values here...  We talk about sex openly, do our drinking in…
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  • That depends on whether or not it reinforces something they already believe to be true. Evidence contradictory to personal belief…
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  • Am I the only one who finds the image of Fitzgerald in cuffs chilling....?   Given what's been going on…
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  • I'm thinking about it.... (waiting for a freelancing check to come in to see if I can afford it).  …
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  • That is the hard way.  Some kids thrive on challenges. Others are easily discouraged. And trying to understand a lesson…
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  • Par for the course all around -- if the  facts are a problem, don't publish them. Hell, don't even do…
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  • Of course, our markets are not really "free" -- if they were, corporations would be forced to face the consequences…
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  • ::LOL:: Here I thought I was so prepared, that I would see the name on the diary and know what…
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  • Indeed!  Later this week would be great (my office will be a tad shorthanded and crazy for the first half,…
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  • I need to do my taxes, too...  My roommate is planning on mailing hers in tomorrow (she thought April Fools…
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  • Not a good weekend for me... though the festival sounds like fun. Maybe another year.   (Still thinking about going…
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  • Exactly.  I came up with two of the points of difference on that list, and I don't know any Turkish...…
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  • I saw that image on t-shirts at a major science fiction con last year.... it's getting around.
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  • This is a big concern for the US dairy industry as well, though according to the sources I have, BSE…
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  • Mmmm-mm.... I just got some eggs, could get some mushrooms on the way home...   Maybe some beer too. 🙂
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