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    Oooh -- PRIZES!!!! I am SO there.... 🙂 Even though the vampires don't come out until much, much later.... (Yeah,…
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  • Russ Feingold's statement: -"Under the President's Iraq policies, our military has been over-burdened, our national security has been jeopardized, and…
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  • Which just goes to show that the biggest mistake Rumsfeld and the neocons (who have no practical military experience between…
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  • Yep, that's exactly it.  The companies ALL want to pay their employees like they just got out of school... or…
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  • I was thinking of Kucinich too... I'm glad HE'S running too, even though he has no chance at the nomination…
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  • That might be interesting... (1) add in authority for the General or commander of CENTCOM to decide, via formal report…
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  • Ditto on getting the word out.  Granted, the Senate Majority leader and House Speaker don't have quite the bully pulpit…
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  • I am glad Ron Paul is running, if for no other reason than he brings some sanity and truth into…
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  • I think it is slowly, surely building up to a point when the Republicans will indeed see that the only…
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  • Amen on all points there.  Especially the "handlers" -- I was utterly amazed at how different Al Gore came across…
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  • Throughout all human history, those in power (or desiring to be in power) have known that the only way to…
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  • There seems to be a serious disconnect in people's minds (especially in the minds of white men who tend to…
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  • After meeting separately with Comey and Mueller, Bush gave his support to making changes in the program, Comey testified. The…
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  • Even as just a prank, it's a serious breach of trust... and if the kids were on a field trip,…
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  • Awwww....you're most welcome. 🙂  (And my feet thank you!)   Yep, that sounds more practical! Let's not forget the drinking…
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  • Actually, the free market itself is an illusion.  In reality, any company or industry that claws and stabs its way…
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  • The Zoo is pretty good-sized.  You could spend a whole day there, if you really wanted to walk around and…
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  • Sounds good to me too -- I haven't been to the zoo in years and years... Although your schedule is…
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  • When I was in elementary school, it was during the height of the Cold War and the whole Cuban Missle…
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  • Yes, the death rate in Iraq is lower than Vietnam, but the number of critically wounded is historically high. My…
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