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    Yeah, the correction letters..."sorry we lied."
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  • ...I don't buy that Cheney is losing his influence.  Who's going to take his place in Bush World?  Condi?  I…
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  • ...and I don't know what to make of their accuracy, but the argument goes that they can't really write a…
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  • I don't see what else Pelosi and Reid can do except continue on this path.  Let the Republicans block bills,…
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  • It's like we're all itinerant ranch hands on Bush's ranch in Crawford.  
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  • One of Dean's best tunes, IMO.  And he pulled that line off perfectly.
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  • I have a request in with the WaPo reporter for a link to the data.  Get back with you on…
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  • Were our tactics really successful. Look where we stand with the Philippines now.
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  • They got an advertising deal with Chevy yet?  
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  • ...the one difference, I would say, between Stalinism and Straussianism is that Strauss believed in using religion to manipulate the…
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  • When I was a kid, 1984 was supposedly about the big, bad Soviet Union. How times have changed.
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  • The more confusion, the easier the masses are to manipulate.
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  • It's their manifesto.
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  • how incognizant hard core Republicans are.  
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  • I'm thinking that too.
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  • There's no telling how much damage Bolton did, both at State and in the UN.   This business of making…
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  • Yes, a 24 marathon.  Perfect analogy.
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  • I don't theing they're worried about insulting your intelligence.  Their target audience doesn't have any,  
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  • Watching the CSPAN coverage, I thought Graham was going to have a Rumsfeld class Roman candle head event when McConnel…
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  • Iran bomb the U.S.?  And MSNBC actually ran that crap? I'm stunned.
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