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    ...to have looked that quote up.  It's Benjamin Franklin's. But it's true as true can get, regardless of who first…
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  • I still reel at that thought that Rummy and his yes men didn't consider that.  
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  • Like I said, I think she's a dupe, but I don't feel sorry for her. At some point, you have…
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  • Bolton, another guy we shouldn't listen to any more.   Hell, even Bush abandoned him.
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  • Krauthammer was one of the neocon architects of this disaster.  Now he's trying to blame somebody else.  
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  • ...not exactly a sterling endorsement! 😉
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  • He's probably used to it.  I bet he hasn't had three hours of uninterrupted sleep in the last twenty years.…
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  • I'm glad somebody waved the BS flag on this.  
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  • I have to confess that I had to look up your designator.  IW tech? Best, Jeff
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  • It's a circle quirk. 😉
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  • ...that the Libby trial/Plamegate affair will provide anything "new" or produce actionable impeachment evidence on anybody. These characters have already…
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  • Thanks for posting this.
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  • Thanks for the analysis, Steven.  "Kafkaesque" is "par for the course" with this regime. Jeff
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  • All the horses and men...
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  • Their horse manure is so weak, so lame, so old.   It's a wonder they themselves can stand the touch,…
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  • ...and as I've said in the past, this Bush guy has isolated himself from the entire world, both at home…
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