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    ...how this comes on the tails of Laura Bush telling Nora O'Donnell that the media's to blame for all the…
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  • ...I've given up trying to figure the guy out.
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  • Listening to the guys who got us here, not that's insanity.
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  • ...trying to run away from this one, Dick.
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  • ...I've said this before: while I certainly admire McCain's service and sacrifice, being a POW didn't make him the military…
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  • They're both idiots. I wouldnt trust either of them lead a Cub Scout pack.  
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  • I'm listening to Monica Crowley getting smacked around by Imus.  She just admitted that there's no peace to be had…
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  • ...the idiot.  The recent election wasn't enough.  He didn't get the message.
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  • ...to the President's so-called war powers. That business about supressing insurrections and repelling invasions is in Article I.  
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  • ...My dogs sit with me all day in the home office and help me write, so they ought to know…
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  • ...too bad we can't bring him over here and make him speaker of the house! 😉
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  • ...the death of neoconservatism.  These guys are like the monsters in a summer horror flick. 😉
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  • ...that both of those statements are true. 😉
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  • My guess, repeat, guess, is that the guy's plane just fell apart on him whle he was doing  high altitude…
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  • I'll have to look into it.  
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  • ...that is the key question.  What kind of pressure can we bring to bear on Bush if he plays the…
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  • More proof of our "progress" in the war on terror.
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  • It's a mess all right.  
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  • I mean continue to point them out for what they are.   So many of them are trying to say…
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