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    I still don't see anything in the msm about the legal justification for this.
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  • ...I'm well past the point where I can respond to everyone, but I certainly do appreciate the interaction and feedback.…
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  • ...through precision bombing!
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  • ...thanks so much for contributing it. Best, Jeff
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  • Yes.  MCO2.  
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  • I'd check out a copy from the library.   Forester makes the analogy that the Brits who ran WWI were…
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  • Have you perchance ever read The General by C.S. Forester?
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  • Yes, I think it was William Wallace.   And I'll tell you what, the war games we play are totally…
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  • and just about as perfect as an anology gets. Unfortunately, when the Yankees suck, it's just a bunch of overpaid…
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  • ...the new set of yes men.
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  • ...in this story.  Nice job.
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  • ...Hobbesian war on his hands in Iraq.  
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  • It's difficult to explain game theory to the guy who's always owned the ball, and always knew his daddy would…
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  • Yes, Lisa, I think we are living in a dictatorship, or something quite close to it.
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  • Good image, and good reminder.  
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  • I'm starting to think that too.
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  • Lisa, I don't know.  I just don't know.  The elections seemed to have bounced off Bush like paper bullets.
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  • SD, Thanks for the promote.  I think it's real, real important that folks understand why Fallon is going to CENTCOM,…
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