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    My analysis is on  the sidebar.   This makes a lot of sense if you think Iran.
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  • Standard practice in this admin--chop Sec State off at the knees with a Cheney-bot.  Negroponte=Bolton.  
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  • that "stupid" and "influential" seem so synonymous these days?
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  • there may be no other choice than impeach him.  He's never going to get the message.
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  • I see that by a new poll (by whom, I don't know), American's think Dubya is the world's biggest villian.…
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  • "...the degree of mediocrity in our senior military leadership at the moment is startling." Amen.
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  • ...is the space between Marlon Brando and Rod Steiger in the back seat of the cab in that scene from…
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  • ...as IMO you correctly pointed out, is what to do about al-Sadr.  I fear that going after him will open…
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  • ...is a perfect term for our present state of affairs.
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  • ...that's  rapidly becoming my favorite form of exercise, and I'm thinking about havng a workout in the next hour. 😉
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  • We don't.  And, obviously, I agree with Cockburn.  I hope the Dems manage to not step into this snare.
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  • ...that Rago and his WSJ editorial section suck. 😉
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  • I read now that he's asking the pentagon for the plan.  
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  • ...for the reads and the great comments. Best, Jeff
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  • Same thing.  Thanks for mentioning it.
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  • ...we've lost control of the situation, and aren't likely to get it back.
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  • I can't for the life of me figure out what they think a temporary  surge of that many (few, actually)…
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