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    ...isn't really in the chain of command.  It passes from Bush to Gates to Fallon and down from there. Pace…
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  • Good golly.  How did a moron like Cheney ever get as far as he has?
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  • Yeah.  There's sovreignty for you.  
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  • I'll have more on this tomorrow.
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  • The shift in rhetoric was like the tide changing.  It happened reallly fast.
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  • Thanks for adding the additional references.  
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  • Your tale is somewhat reminiscent of Clockwork Orange.  It sounds like they may as well have levered your eyelids open…
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  • Like I say over and over--we live in an Orwellian information environment.
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  • I just posted a companion piece to this in the sidebar.  You're right, IMO.  The Telegraph is a Bush adminisration…
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  • ...that they're all afraid to stand up to the neocons directly because they'll be accused of being weak on defense…
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  • He's not even trying to make sense.  Just pandering to the incognizant right.
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  • And if you go huntng with him, you might want to wear better body armor than our troops have.
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  • ...I suspect we'll see a glut of "told you so" books. What gets me most is the admin's mantra that…
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  • I still like Kurt Vonnegut's description of Will: an "owlish twit."
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  • As long as you know what he's been doing, I think you're okay. 😉
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  • ...and nonsensical talk as well.  But the incognizant right still buys it.
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  • I've been asking this question for almost a month now.  Under what authority did the U.S. conduct air strikes in…
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  • I think the non-binding thing would have worked fine as a shot across the bow if they could have moved…
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