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    Re Korea I spoke about Truman rushing in with a large US force Time was rather an issue when the…
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  • Sort of like a certain racist p.o.s. Congressman who denounced racism out of one side of his mouth and publishes…
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  • Jefferson isn't slamming Catholics; he's slamming priests, reverends, pastors, and anyone else who makes a living telling people to believe…
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  • That's a false choice.  It is certainly possible to 1) design that national campaign in a manner that keeps in…
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  • What would we, or Oui, have thought about someone who responded to the reports* about the Mossad killing Iranian scientists…
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  • List of bad shit Israel has done doesn't actually rebut the quite strong evidence of Iran's involvement in the terror…
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  • Van Jones haunts the Obama presidency like Hamlet's father; there's really no need to mention him.
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  • Indeed, anti-Catholic bigotry was quite welcome among the Revolutionaries, particularly in New England.  Conspiracy theories about King James selling out…
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  • Three-plus years on property's still not theft, no one's head's been put on a pike, and dope isn't legal yet.…
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  • There are far too many things wrong with this evaluation to point them all out, so I'll focus on the…
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  • That guy writes like somebody with very poor writing skills, who is trying to impersonate a prominent 20th century philosopher…
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  • The wave of anger and condemnation that has come from some quarters is dramatic evidence that the column's central contention…
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  • Okay, sure, there's that, but you've gotta admit: your commentary on his handling of Libya is just embarrassing in its…
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  • If so, please tell me how much Obama's Afghanistan surge has cost us. Less than 1/50th as many American lives…
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  • Your quote refutes your comment's heading. Iran Could Be Acquitted Violating Int'l Law vs.  tu quoque was accepted not as…
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  • So your answer to my question is clearly No, you don't wish to discuss the question at hand.  You'd rather…
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  • Good for you, dood!  Would you care to discuss the question at hand now?
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  • Holy sheep shit!  You would switch out the guy who ended the Iraq War for the Vietnam President?!? Three million…
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  • The decision to make Geithner Treasury Secretary for one term, and then drop him apparently against his wishes, suggests to…
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  • And, of course, his economic team did not put accountability anywhere near the top of their list when it came…
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