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    I liked the episode in which he fired the highly-successful, accomplished police chief because he got too much good press,…
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  • I don't mean to insult Marthat Coakley as a person, or as a public servant.  She has been a fine…
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  • I think Obama clearly used his hawkish stance on the Af-Pak War for his political benefit during the campaign, but…
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  • You should have seen the candidate he ran against in Massachusetts, Shannon O'Brien. Think "Martha Coakley," except without the air…
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  • No incumbent wartime president was ever this stupid. The would be a legitimate counterpoint to the argument that Kerry's over-performance,…
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  • too slowly Just because you've decided to quit doesn't necessarily make cold turkey the best way. A withdrawal isn't just…
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  • Obvious pandering to a local crowd, from a guy often criticized for tacking to popular opinion. Casual rich-guy bragging, from…
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  • Whoa! Could we actually be reaching a point where Pat Buchanan gets denounced as a squish on cultural issues?
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  • I'm guessing, the people he hired to hire a campaign team.
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  • Seconded about John Kerry. No incumbent wartime president has ever lost reelection.  The candidate who came closest to doing so…
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  • We are leaving. We're just doing it slowly, the same way we left Iraq.
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  • If you look at the polling, though, there was a majority of the public who were opposed to the auto…
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  • I think most people who opposed the auto bailout did so because they didn't think it was going to work…
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  • You're party doesn't want to pro-immigrant.  Your party doesn't want to make sure immigrants are treated when they show up…
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  • It's tough to "notice" something that only exists in your imagination. I love these people who see an anti-Obama faction…
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  • No. No? Claiming to oppose racism and publishing the Ron Paul newsletters isn't an appalling act of hypocrisy? You can't…
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  • Yeeeaaaaahhh...you're writing this after Barack Obama just spanked the Catholic bishops and took a victory lap.
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  • Whoops, this was for jqheywood.
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  • The rich industrialist in the top hat hates confusion and delay!
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  • ...er, largest progressive legislatively agenda of any president in RECENT history.
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