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    Step N Fetchit? Not smart enough? Seriously, eff you.
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  • Obsesses is so dispirited by the similarity of Obama's foreign policy to Bush's that he wants to swap out Obama…
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  • Absolutely true. There is no such thing as wiping 100% of the threat of al Qaeda off the face of…
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  • Any "default" is going to lead to bad political choices. Decisions and understanding, we've had such recent opportunity to learn,…
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  • I really don't like the strategy of picking a young, fresh face for Vice President, a political protege to groom.…
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  • Seriously, how can anyone write a piece about Hillary Clinton's inevitability without at least nodding toward the 2008 campaign?
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  • Jeebus, you approve of that garbage? It's stale right-wing anti-Clinton and anti-"Democrat Party" (they actually call it that) propaganda. Democrats…
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  • If I lived there, I'd be in the Anyone But Booker camp. I don't trust that guy.
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  • 2016 is going to be awesome.
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  • Dude, that describes "at large."
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  • "This is not private insurance," Brase, of Citizens Council for Health Care Freedom, says of the health plans that will…
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  • Ask me again after the primaries.
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  • Every black person at a Kenny Chesney concert, huh? Wow. That's pretty brave.
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  • Hey, now: part of Republicans behaving irresponsibly is their recent habit of nominating freaks and nut cases for Senate seats.…
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  • What's it like?
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  • Yes. Of course, that didn't stop National Review and the Weekly Standard from running pieces chastising American feminists for not…
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  • So, the bill is good but we can't have a vote on it because...? Nice country you got here. Shame…
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  • I guess you missed this: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/07/17/us-financialcrisis-fraud-probes-idUSBRE96G13620130717
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  • Or some other legislative mechanism. The point is, I don't think it will be Boehner's bill, but one he opposes,…
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  • A discharge petition, for a bill that all the Democrats and a few Republicans support, while Boehner rails against it…
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