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    OT: You've had some pretty harsh words for Alan Grayson. Have you seen this? http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/07/31/1227862/-Alan-Grayson-is-THE-MOST-Effective-Legislator-in-C ongress-Today-the-Empirical-Evidence-Proves-it Maybe his time off…
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  • It's the NSA! They're supposed to be good with computers!
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  • What are we to make of the apparent inability of the NSA to get rid of the red spell-check underline…
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  • This. Having people walking around in tacticals doesn't make people feel safer; it's a reminder of the threat. Which, despite…
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  • The crowd there likely didn't think about it much at all. The crowd there didn't seem to have a problem…
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  • Let me make sure I'm understanding your question: You're asking me to explain to you how police equipped for gun…
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  • What a steaming load of horse shit. 700,000 documents released, and you're going to pretend that's it? Let's not even…
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  • People who actively oppose the United States and want to see harm come to it think Bradley Manning is awesome.…
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  • It's sweet that you think it's for show.
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  • There were National Park rangers walking around in their "tacticals" - camo and kevlar and whatnot - at the Lowell…
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  • The problem, BooMan, is that most of the people defending what Manning did are actively opposed to 1, 2, and…
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  • I mean, seriously, you read my comment and thought, "A-ha, joe doesn't know that there were people who defended Callley…
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  • Perhaps I should have been more clear, since I was talking to you: That is a story for forty years…
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  • The way Democrats are celebrating this like it's some great victory over the forces of evil Link?
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  • Point is that the USA considers fingering war criminals as worse than the war crimes. You know that the Calley…
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  • If the prosecution confirms that someone killed in Afghanistan was correctly identified by the leaks, they are telling the assassins…
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  • If you find anyone who thinks that Lt. Calley's punishment was sufficient, you let us know.
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  • His time spent should definitely count towards his sentence, probably with a multiplier for the abuse.
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  • And that point is absolutely right. His language in the post, though, is a bit imprecise, and doesn't make clear…
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  • The very heart of the movement being a handful of elites, unrepresentative of the larger group. Yeah, I can buy…
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