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    Dear Editor, As a lifelong member of the Democrat Party...
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  • Isn't it possible that sometimes a Republican administration would be able to take a less aggressive posture than Obama precisely…
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  • Obama does not seem to have anyone pushing him into doing anything he doesn't actually want to do, re national…
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  • Why does he erroneously argue that "The establishment leadership of the two parties collaborate on far more than they fight"?…
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  • Has anyone else noticed that this commenter takes Republican talking points about Democrats, and spouts them as if Democrats actually…
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  • I wonder how long after the first such analysis they ask him to stop.
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  • The Constitutional questions about meta data have been settled, too. Perhaps not particularly well, though. They can do so much…
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  • Silver didn't do anything too special Josh Marshall had a piece yesterday explaining what Silver did that was so special:…
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  • You're right, there's one.
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  • My thoughts exactly. Think about the security camera footage they reviewed after the bombings. The government doesn't require all the…
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  • It sounds like we are going to start sending some arms shipments in August but, at the same time, the…
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  • Given the existence of Arab Spring protests/uprisings from Tunisia to Bahrain, it's a heavy lift to claim that the refugees…
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  • Once again, I'll point out that the assumption that Qatar and the other Gulf states are doing the US's bidding…
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  • Our recent (last 12 years) What you mean is, five year ago. And what is that supposed to have to…
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  • ramping up the violence I don't accept the implication that arming the opposition = ramping up the violence. Have you…
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  • Now you've got me thinking: Godfather II was better than the original. (Yes, it was. Oh, yes it was!) Have…
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  • I asking that we stop playing sectional up-upsmanship and deal with what is a national problem. Telling me to mind…
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  • Of course it is. The Democrats are the party that the oppressed people in our society turn to. Surely, you're…
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  • And one last thing: Because there are a lot of white, black, and Hispanic folks who don't like it that…
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  • The Bible verse says, "Take the beam out of your eye before taking the speck out of mine." That makes…
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