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    The first time I saw an interview with her, I just about fell out of my chair. She was a…
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  • Anywhere if there was a shred of validity to the assertion that Bush was the third term of wildly popular…
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  •  "So many Republicans thought we would win the presidency last year that they are now unable to believe that we…
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  • It's the nature of the Vice Presidency. He doesn't get any of the credit for the good things the administration…
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  • All of these people, all across the country, devoting their political interest and effort to the problem of poor people…
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  • Who's problem is it, then? Politically, I mean. If Democrats vote for the bill 45-8, and 12 Republicans vote to…
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  • First, "bring every Democratic Senator in line" is not a "just" task. Getting every Democratic Senator to all into line…
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  • You don't like the term "illegals"? I love the term "illegals." It makes it entirely obvious when someone's entire argument…
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  • What to do? Use immigration as an issue to hammer the Republicans between now and November 2014, and then see…
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  • Reading comprehension? Are you sure you don't have me confused with Condoleeza Rice? Believe it or not, Arthur, the problem…
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  • If Reid and the Democratic leadership were genuinely concerned about it, they would have done something long ago. That just…
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  • After all, we don't need centrist on the D.C. Circuit I've seen some studies of Supreme Court voting patterns, and…
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  • I can see some Republicans and some of the wavering Dems hold their noses and take the political hit that…
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  • Examples: http://takingnote.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/20/whos-to-blame-for-the-fiscal-cliff-impasse/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/30/david-brooks-fiscal-cliff_n_2384756.html http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/269279-poll-public-would-blame-gop-more-than-obama- if-fiscal-cliff-talks-fail Here are some salty wingnut tears on the subject of the media's coverage, for your…
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  • Absolutely they should support Lincoln Chafee. If they can't hold onto any significant support among moderates or people in the…
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  • One example would be the December/January fiscal cliff standoff, when the media were quite open about blaming the Republicans. I…
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  • There's also the apparent attempt at bipartisanship -- the Democratic president keeps choosing Republicans for prominent posts in his administration,…
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  • What the hell are talking about? Arthur, lemme give you a hint: when you write a comment that has no…
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  • There is one important factor in this shift that gets only a cursory mention in the article: the policy worked.…
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  • In the decade after Reagan left office, US military spending dropped by 30% in constant dollars. This can happen.
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