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    It seems to me that you are the one playing word games, by using the term "accessing" to mean two…
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  • How about asking anyone who lived through World War Two about whether civil liberties come back when the war ends.…
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  • But if we are at war with stateless entities, doesn't that make us the same as stateless entities? No. Do…
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  • People are data-mining all the time.  Why should anyone be able to do it for business purposes, and the government…
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  • Only a very few legislators are informed of the policy, ...by Congress's own design. Who is there who can review…
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  • Confirmed: your second link has its facts wrong. The order did not cover all Verizon customers, which would be millions…
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  • But now even our voice calls go over the internet.
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  • "Madam, you shall forever remain special to me, but now I must away."
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  • So it turns out that Big Brother is not watching you. Contrary to reports, the subject of the court order…
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  • There are worse sins than not paying enough attention to Wolf Blitzer, I suppose. It has been a pleasant surprise.…
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  • We are all criminals now? Could you please drop the histrionics and try to have a reality-based conversation? Does the…
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  • That's quite a step back from "the exact thing we criticized Bush for." You can say you don't like something…
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  • Oh really? So, collecting phone records is worse than wiretapping and listening in on conversations? Getting warrants for searches is…
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  • and that's not due to our all-encompassing phone monitoring skills... True. There are also the drone strikes.
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  • The NSA is most likely gathering all of that information to sift it in order to find out who some…
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  • Yes, they are. Just as they did during the fiscal cliff talks. The media are actually coming around. But even…
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  • Don't forget that Powell was working on reforming the sanctions, and Cheney cut him off at the knees at the…
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  • They have as much power, as much influence, as the President and Secretary of State give them. That is why…
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  • That's what makes the Libya operation so unique. We didn't lead it, politically or militarily. We weren't the driving force…
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  • Qaddafi was admired by many people on the left because he was so stridently opposed to Apartheid and colonialism. During…
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