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    There's a talking point making the rounds in Republican circles that the Democrats and the administration secretly want the effort…
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  • "a country awash in small arms" is an assertion made without evidence. It's certainly true that the Assad government has…
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  • Some useful background reading for people looking to understand US policy towards the Syrian rebellion: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/21/world/middleeast/cia-said-to-aid-in-steering-arms-to-syrian-rebels .html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 A small number…
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  • Tell me how more "small arms" from the US in addition to the flood from Qatar and Saudi Arabia levels…
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  • But the US has been up to its neck in this since the beginning and is partially responsible for the…
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  • You all remember when the Bush regime backed popular uprisings by broad coalitions including Sunni jihadists, right? You know, right…
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  • Because you consistently echo the messages coming out of the Syrian government.
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  • You are the mirror image of the people who used to ask me "Why do you hate America?"
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  • Subsequent reporting suggests that the "red line" comment was a spontaneous screw-up - that Obama went out to make some…
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  • There is some rather extreme question-begging going on in the phrase "escalate the violence." In a fight where the guy…
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  • The refugee stream started after the bombing.  All but one of the counts of crimes against humanity were incidents that…
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  • He's been falling off his chair waiting for an excuse to intervene, and now he's found/created it. Umwut? Last April,…
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  • If there was anything comparable to Libya' Transitional National Council in Syria, we would have been working with them all…
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  • Lots of words, none of which support the claim that Kerry is giving up on a negotiated solution.
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  • He's a military judge, so he wasn't "appointed" in the way that federal judges are appointed - by a President…
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  • What an appallingly irresponsible thing to say.
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  • ...and not a big enough deal to anyone else, including the White House, to bother with.
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  • And who knows what his precise wording was? This was what someone who was in the fund-raiser said he said…
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  • Good catch, Shaun. Wheels within wheels.
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  • It's particularly galling to see that reasoning - allowing a tiny minority to override the position of a huge majority…
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