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    I look back at the 2012 elections, and the Republicans' certainty of victory right up to and including election day,…
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  • I don't know, Joe. The House Republicans are pretty nuts. The Farm Bill is too big to fail, too, and…
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  • The ICE already gets more money than all other federal law enforcement agencies combined.
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  • Let's start way back at the beginning: do you understand that "The Democrats are not enjoying electoral success," and "There…
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  • It is five years since George W. Bush and somehow the Democrats cannot seem to get traction or unity or…
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  • Money talks, bullshit walks. An more honest person would notice how the money went despite those connections.
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  • Yes, I read what you wrote. And now I'm reading as you waive your hand at irrelevant issues to distract…
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  • And that's after he moves the goal posts from pretending that campaign strategy explains the 2010 elections, to acknowledging that,…
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  • I just want to highlight this part: I am suggesting that it was the establishment Democrats and not necessary President…
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  • Why would you spent your money to kill something that is giving you less than you want, instead of spending…
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  • 'm blaming whoever decided it was a bright idea to collapse Howard Dean's 50-state initiative in 2009.  Whoever thought it…
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  • And when given the opportunity to explain this, you chose instead to blather about Obots. I just wanted to draw…
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  • We are essentially arguing about nothing because you have made this about Obama. No, I didn't. You made that up,…
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  • No, I understood you the first time and the second time. You aren't difficult to follow; you're just wrong. I…
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  • The banksters created the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau? The banksters supported the Volker Rule? The banksters required banks to fire…
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  • They won in 2010 and controlled redistricting. I'm quite familiar with what's going on, thanks. Those states are all -…
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  • Every state on your list is a state that moved in the direction of the Democrats since the creation of…
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  • What I'm saying, MomSense, is that Howard Dean jumped in with the Bill-Killers, and then brought a whole lot of…
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  • Corporate bailout + health clinic funding = not a corporate bailout anymore?
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  • He was in the "kill the bill" crowd. Briefly, for a few days, until he wasn't, and resumed campaigning in…
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