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    Standards of what is offensive are culturally-defined. One of BooMan's main points in this post about the continuing tendency within…
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  • No, Panetta shouldn't have blabbed, either. You see how that works, Calvin? The application of a principle, without regard to…
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  • On the other hand, it does take quite a bit more specialized knowledge than is possessed by your typical IT…
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  • Snowden's fans were quite happy to focus on his personality and character five days ago. Gee, Marie, what happened?
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  • "Only" case law? "Only?" Tarheel, case law makes up as much of the western, and Anglo-American, legal tradition as enacted…
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  • That's why I said "wouldn't be so opposed." If these laws were merely useless, wasted energy addressing a non-problem, I'd…
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  • See, look at Rhode Island, a Democratic state that adopted a voter ID law: http://news.providencejournal.com/breaking-news/2013/06/providence-ri--voters-who-have-no.html Rhode Island voters who have…
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  • If I had a scintilla of faith that any of these jurisdictions were adopting voter ID laws for reasons other…
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  • Suppressing the minority vote only helps you in that particular election, but the people you suppress are going to hate…
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  • It is a terrible choice we have to make, but climate change has to be the priority. At this point,…
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  • Thanks. My brain took "Republican," "terrorism," "fuck-up," and "media blabber," and somehow spit out Peter King.
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  • Scooping up everyone's communication is a clear violation of the direct language of the Fourth Amendment. If they were actually…
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  • It's amazing how many internet commenters are experts on electronic intelligence tradecraft, as well as the subjective understanding of the…
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  • My initial reaction to Snowden was very sympathetic, but I've turned against him as more information - about hims, his…
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  • we have an administration that tortured Bradley Manning for years You are entitled to your own opinions, but not to…
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  • Lisa Jackson spent Obama's entire first term waging a war on coal, mainly through rules about air emissions like fine…
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  • Don't confuse the actual left with a handful of internet loud mouths. Progressive groups, labor groups, women's groups, and the…
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  • And even more unfortunately, the President is right about that. Closing the coal plants means replacing them with gas plants,…
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  • So infuriating!! It's just the sound of their voices. It'll drive you crazy!
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  • At the various oral arguments I've watched over the past few years, Alito's eye-rolling, head-shaking and other expressions of exasperation…
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