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    You linked to a specific post, one that said exactly the opposite of what you asserted. And no other blogger…
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  • Are we now taking the diplo-speak statements from the White House as the measure of liberal opinion? I don't even…
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  • Hillary Cllinton's policy toward Syria, upon taking office, was not to pursue regime change as you keep insisting, but to…
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  • This western liberal was just fine with the religious conservatives winning the elections and implementing a program I personally dislike.…
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  • There are a lot of people, all over the political map, who cannot help but place the US at the…
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  • The Netherlands seem nice.
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  • Told us what, exactly?
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  • Studiously avoiding taking sides is the smart play here. This only ends without the streets running red if all three…
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  • The legal question isn't whether he was afraid for his life before the fight, but during it.
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  • When was the last time you were in a fist fight? They last seconds, not like a Bruce Lee scene.
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  • No new turf? Virginia? New Hampshire? Your state? Ohio? Iowa?
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  • I'm with Voice: I thought Barack Obama was going to be my number one soul brother, but it turns out…
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  • The reality of a Clinton State Department was pretty impressive. She did a bang-up job.
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  • That style of urban renewal was common throughout the western democracies in the post-war period, although for many, the demolition…
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  • Hoo boy, you really stepped in it now, Booman. Glenn Greenwald is the warmest, kindest, most decent human being I…
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  • "Fuck the peace talks. Israel had its chance?" You seem to be operating under the misapprehension that peace talks are…
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  • This. Even if Zimmerman's account is true and fits the criteria for a self-defense claim, it's still an affirmative defense…
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  • Trayvon Martin isn't charged with a crime. The law you're talking about creates an affirmative defense for defendants.
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  • This chart (pdf), if you want to see the trend. http://www.ricknevin.com/uploads/USA_Murder_Rate_at_Historic_Record_Low.pdf
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  • To understand why the crime rate went down, you have to understand why it went up. There was a large,…
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