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    But my reply was to Tarheel Dem, not BooMan. Besides, a budget offered completely seriously, that includes a big tax…
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  • Yes, the sequester in the new baseline. The Republicans won an election in 2010, and since elections have consequences, they…
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  •  if he doesn't find a way to make the chained-CPI thing go away Linking it to a big tax increase,…
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  • Win back the House.
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  • I have to disagree with the idea that this is a slippery slope.  Cuts in retiree benefits are about the…
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  • So you're saying you think the GOP did want the big defense cuts to go into effect, because they were…
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  • And it will hurt Democrats badly in 2014 unless the Democratic caucus in Congress gets up on its hind legs…
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  • Actually implementing chained CPI would be the political loser you describe. I've made a number of comments about the President's…
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  • This. If the Democrats were to cut a deal that involved a permanent change, they should get some permanent change…
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  • This isn't the plan going wrong, this is the plan going right. It's very easy to look back at events…
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  • Chained CPI would be a permanent change, while stopping the bleeding from the sequester cuts would be a temporary gain,…
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  • Look at the collapse in Republican approval during and after the fiscal cliff talks (when Obama first pulled this stunt).…
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  • Obama has, once again, made any deal to reduce entitlement benefits on a massive upper-income tax cut.  How many such…
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  • Who created the sequester? Obama. Why? To force a deal on entitlements because the debt limit "forcing" didn't work. Setting…
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  • The Senate is going to force something through You know that Harry Reid; he's always forcing things through. Real aggressive…
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  • We're "seeing the realization" of something that isn't going to happen?
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  • From Mein Kampf to the Rwandan genocide  to the burning down of convents by anti-Catholic Know-Nothings, every episode of large-scale…
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  • Reasonable people learn from history.  When they make a prediction and they are wrong, they don't make the same prediction…
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  • I don't care how you respond; I'm happy just to point out that you are wrong.  If you want to…
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  • Ah, that's what you're talking about. See, you only need to repeat something five or six times, and Steve will…
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