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    These particular old people are surrounded by and constantly influenced by a large number of very smart, hard-working younger people.…
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  • If there was ever a time when white backlash politics were going to work, it was during a stagnant economy…
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  • If there was a time to send troops to Syria (which is a big if), it was a year or…
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  • The word "mounting" in the phrase "mounting evidence" is a tell that Rodgers is making stuff up. If there was…
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  • There are contexts in which fighting the good fight and losing is a good political strategy. Congress is not one…
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  • I'm really nice to the janitor at work, and he's a Mexican or something. Good fella, Tony.  Never makes trouble,…
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  • GOP/Conservative/Right-wing policies, like ObamaCare You can tell how much the Republicans support something like ObamaCare, because they didn't make the…
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  • The country is full of people who aren't insane Republicans. Most of them don't have Hillary's approval rating. I don't…
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  • I don't know, Davis.  Hillary, who is now "Barack Obama's Secretary of State," not "Barack Obama's opponent," is the most…
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  • The lesson is that the Democrats are even better positioned than Obama's victories suggest.  Yes, I do consider that to…
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  • but telling them they are wise, just and deserve an ethno-religious based state? A message of "You guys suck, you…
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  • There's an Israeli left in the same sense that there's an American socialist movement. There used to be an Israeli…
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  • The Obama administration was widely reported to have set aside the peace process in Palestine during the first time on…
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  • The only force that can restrain the Israeli right is the Israeli left, and there is not Israeli left anymore.…
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  • If he wasn't blind he'd have gotten Netanyahu to stop the settlements. By sheer force of will, I imagine.  Obama…
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  • There might be? No, not "there might be."  There are.  We know that large factions of the Syrian public are…
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  • And that the US government is willing to accept that maybe chemical weapons were not used. The timing with Obama's…
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  • This rumor is pure bullshit that originated with hawks who want us to intervene in Syria and was spread by…
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  • LOL, just saw this: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/news/ap-chemical-weapons-unlikely-in-syria-attack-us-says.php?ref=fpb WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. has strong indications that chemical weapons were not used in…
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  • And Obama is not <del?Bush, right? So it's entirely different, right?</del> talking about this, beating any war drums, or trying…
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