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    An anti-Catholic Know Nothing mob attacked St. Patrick's Church in Lowell.  The parish defense committee was warned the attack was…
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  • You are the equivalent of the guy who jumps into a discussion about Islam by reminding everyone that Muslims are…
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  • For the least respectable form of "progressive" being a progressive is about finding outlets for bigotry that are acceptable to…
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  • Any Catholic male, including a married one, is technically eligible to become pope.
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  • Perhaps "staunch the hemorrhaging" would be a more-accurate description than "growth."
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  • While I have not spoken to a nun in 45 years,,, I'm perfectly comfortable holding forth on what terrible people…
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  • Without being cynical, if you think of the Church as a business, there is plenty of room to grow, but…
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  • And it rhymes with Twister.
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  • Yes, the Nobel committee recognized the restarting nuclear reduction talks was, itself, the most significant part of the process, and…
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  • How about, instead, a third party to the left of the Democrats, like they have in Vermont? Then, the Snowes…
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  • Excellent call on WPI.  A really first-rate science and engineering school.
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  • Progressives stopped caring about nuclear disarmament the moment Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in the…
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  • Seriously.  There's more than one way to be "taken seriously."
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  • No, he won't. I suppose it's possible he'd take some Naderite votes, because half those people need to eat with…
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  • Think about how remarkably gaffe-free the man was/is, for the most part. A virtue that has carried through to his…
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  • Like Obama when he began his campaign, Rubio is a freshman senator with a thin record, which has its advantages.…
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  • Think of it as defensive, not offensive. They aren't so much trying to affirmatively gain voters with a Latino candidate,…
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  • Have you ever heard of the bank-shot pander?  Do you think the Republicans comb the country for black and Latino…
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  • It's always possible to quibble about racial categories, because they are ultimately built on sand, but what matters here is…
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  • Shooting at a stationary target, you probably are more accurate. Think about someone dancing and running around in front of…
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