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  • Thanks.  I'm off to retrieve her from the front yard where she staggered to about ten minutes ago.  I thought…
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  • Thanks Alice.  She's actually never been a big eater, and she doesn't seem to feel poorly now - which has…
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  • Hi retired froggies. Luna spent most of the afternoon at the vet getting her throat looked at.  She's been having…
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  • It just occured to me (I'm a bit slow on the uptake) that when I needed to take a class…
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  • OMG. The HAIR. The clothes. The break-dancing. The brain-bleach! Quick! I swear I was dumbstruck for the first full minute.
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  • Some of us only recently got broadband, and are loving it (Gramps :D).
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  • If you spill something other than water in an electronic device, the best thing to do is uplug it and…
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  • "Fat B" is a nickname for Berlin.
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  • Sticking with the "queer" theme, this time for the girls: My favorite German Hip Hop band (yes, there is such…
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  • This is the other.
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  • I rented the DVD this last week, and despite a it lagging a lot, the movie had two absoulutely hilarious…
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  • [Ducks - damn, never could dodge.] You know, there just isn't enough humor amongst quantum mechanics enthusiasts.  I don't know…
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  • [Warning: major nerd humor ahead] In one of those flashes of insight so critical to theorists, I think that the…
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  • I think we've finally gotten proof postitive that there are indeed parallel dimensions.   I'n not sure what implications this…
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  • Hmmm.  I'm not sure Pixel Aid is avaliable in Australia.  But then neither is Kool-aid. Unfortunately, as someone who sometimes…
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  • You're welcome. Any hints on how to get the pixel-stains off my fingers?
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  • When not writing Greens political opinion or feminist screeds, I've been known to write a poem or two.  Here's a…
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  • Molly. Molly. Molly. How we miss thee. I wish I had even a tenth of her razor wit.
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  • I stand corrected by blksista.  Apparently Paglia wrote two intelligent articles (not about those nasty feminists) that I missed.
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