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    Paglia "jumped the shark" the first time she made the national news. She's never had anything even remotely intelligent to…
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  • We're well and truly into Fall, with drizzly overcast weather forecast for most of the coming week. Attention will now…
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  • Second worst. The worst person is whoever gives him air time or print space.   Attention is the coin of…
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  • Yep.  It's been a long day digging post holes, even with a power auger and lots of help, so I…
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  • Lucky you!   Take some pictures, will ya?
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  • That's the face that says, "hurry up and take the picture, I feel a power nap coming on."
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  • who can't be bothered logging out & in, but wanted to say - is there asshole rehab in the USA?…
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  • I think Andi confused you. I'm a Scorpio (naturally).  You can save your best wishes to me until November, by…
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  • Happy Birthday Ms. O.
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  • I think that fish has some serious 'Tude.
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  • That's lovely.  White chalk or pastel on dark paper can have a very stunning effect.  I've done it a few…
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  • That link myriad put up shows a Huntsman spider at actual size.  Not that I have a problem with Wolf…
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  • Not guts, just an inappropriately low level of fear when it comes to critters.  Although you know, bears and the…
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  • Damn.  Dogslobber.  How did I miss that? 😉 The don't call the Spotted Pardolote the "diamond bird" for nothin'.
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  • Being affluent does not make your day in court any different than those above. Oh yeah?  I'm sure OJ's money…
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  • Which is the appropriate response to a water moccasin. I've never seen one, and never hope to. The really poisionous…
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  • Any poisonous snakes in your neighborhood? I still remember my first introduction to Australia's poisonous snakes.  I found a small…
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  • Is the frown because you don't like snakes, are worried George will get bitten, or because you'll have to mow…
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  • I've hired a power auger and a local bloke (and friend) to do most of the heavy stuff.  Mostly, I'll…
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  • I just went and looked at the weather report, and the "showers" have been bumped to tomorrow afternoon. We're have…
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