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    BBC News correspondent Mark Easton :"At King's Cross the professionalism and control of the emergency services was impressive, and the…
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  • Compared to Canada's longest standing 'national' newspater, The Globe and Mail, The National Post is definitely conservative: The National Post…
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  • The earlist I remember reading of possible executions was through the 'information clearing house' web site linking to a Nasdaq…
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  • Don't forget the story I would most like to have seen covered on Fox/CNN: the First Canadian Military Base Gay…
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  • For the moment, I don't think there is necessarily any urgent need to have someone with medical expertise review them.…
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  • The records in DOD Section 18 consist of 125 pages of handwritten medical records for two (?) patients. It starts…
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  • Hi Athenian, Thanks for the reply, it's appreciated. I'm having some bad computer problems today, I've managed to pick up…
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  • Wow, you know I actually came back to this diary because I was feeling bad that I'd written a post…
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  • Can I ask for a bit of restraint here when throwing around statistics such as "up to 93 percent of…
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  • You've said that my analogy of individuals not being able to decide to kill others breaks down on an international…
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  • I don`t know much about this site, 911review.com, but it does have some interesting information on this subject, with links…
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  • This comes from Canadian LGen K.R. Pennie's statements to the Canadian Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs about…
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  • Important things first: spending time  visiting on Salt Spring Island is an invitation you really should not turn down! It…
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  • I still have a whole hour left until Monday here on the west coast of Canada, and besides, I didn't…
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  • I still like the original question, but am likely making some assumptions: That I find it hard to imagine (regarding…
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  • Thanks for writing so well so many of the things I was wanting to say.  In my defence, may I…
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  • Sorry I didn't get a chance to jump in here this weekend. I live on Vancouver Island, where the ski…
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  • Happy to continue there, I've been enjoying the discussion and it will be interesting to see what others have to…
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  • First, on the BBC Poll: A year ago, it would still likely have been possible to find a decent amount…
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  • I'm curious at what point you'd be willing to consider conditions might be `worse than under Saddam'. Take for example…
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