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    John Mersheimer has written the most comprehensive, fact based, and "fair and balanced" review and recommendation for the optimal way…
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  • Dumber still, it began with a claim that the Gov Mansion's chef was stealing food.
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  • Who could have predicted that?  I suppose we should be thankful that he's a RWNJ because otherwise he would be…
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  • I'm not organized or obsessive enough to bother with calculating projective win/lose margins.  Win/lose is good enough for such an…
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  • It will probably never cease to amaze me how dumb some people with a bit of power become when a…
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  • Oops -- Kobach says Taylor stays on ballot for U.S. Senate in Kansas. Chad Taylor filed paperwork Wednesday to pull…
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  • Who's been better than Silver who uses non-polling data?  Probably nobody. But I guess you missed my point that the…
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  • Bring on the legacy kids.  Can't imagine that Luke's following is any larger than Chelsea's (who recently resigned from her…
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  • As you said, he's [Silver] only as good as the data he has to work with, Analysts that use all…
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  • First, the Clinton health care effort was initiated and died in less than two years.  Nothing further was done for…
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  • Actually no.  It's been noted for months that Brownback and Roberts were both running behind.  That has made Kansas interesting…
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  • That got him 43% of the vote.  And let's get real about GHWB, he was always crappy on the stump.…
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  • Other than the 1993 tax increase, Clinton's economic policies were net negatives.  Nothing wrong with budget surpluses when an economy…
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  • I don't forgive any of them.  Instead of holding to principles and public policies that had demonstrated their effectiveness over…
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  • As I pointed out in another comment, there has been no Presidential election since 1948 where both candidates were >60…
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  • We don't actually know what would have happened in 1992 if Perot hadn't entered the race.  We only know that…
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  • Giordano is a bit sloppy in calculating the ages of Presidential candidates: In 1960, John F. Kennedy, 43, bested Richard…
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  • KS Democrats now get to choose between and Independent and a Republican for the US Senate: Taylor withdraws from US…
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  • If we want to restore something from the past, I'd go with usury laws with strict enforcement.  Restoring Glass-Steagall would…
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  • What a sensible solution/resolution -- "Redskins" changed to Redhawks.  Ignoring everything else, redhawks even has a nicer ring to it…
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