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    LOL -- Huge TVs with nothing worth watching. Fancy cars with nowhere of importance to go. A brand new phone…
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  • Doing something to "fix" a US created problem: But this time will be different?
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  • Also oil and the US MIC neither of which the US current constructed economy can function well without and we're…
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  • "We killed a bunch of bad folks" and "we're now safer" is all most USians need as a measure of…
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  • Didn't he say that he did know?  It was Russis; if not directly than through its separatist puppets.  Just like…
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  • Short-term, medium-term, or long-term?  
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  • Another Kabuki "case for war" just like we experienced a dozen years ago and have yet to learn from. From…
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  • But she's part of the progressive base that re-nominated Cuomo or something like that as some here have claimed.
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  • I'd say go with a war tax surcharge -- on individuals and corporations.  Construct a formula that gets a "fair…
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  • The closer the polls get to the actual election day, the better Wang does and the poorer Silver does because…
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  • Oops -- appears as if those cost/vote figures are incorrect.  Cuomo spent almost $20 million if all his re-election costs…
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  • A few months into the Iraq war banners of "Mission Accomplished" were flying and that was a much simpler proposition…
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  • You're wrong.  It's was the political party that screamed, "Truman lost China" that made that country a US enemy. The…
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  • Didn't dispute that.  And that was wrong.  But Lincoln didn't deliver "forty acres and mule" either.  And that too was…
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  • Oprah was likely a big help there considering that white women do trust her.  But before Oprah came on board,…
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  • Matt Stoller 5 Reasons for the Zephyr Teachout Phenomenon, and 5 Reasons Andrew Cuomo Is Still Governor nails it. 1.…
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  • May have been anecdotal, but the polls in late 2007 and early 2008 clearly showed a huge advantage for Clinton…
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  • Every POTUS has accomplishments.  Even Nixon had a couple that weren't bad.  I didn't say Obama hasn't had any.  You…
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  • No -- I have been speaking of the domestic programs initiated and championed by FDR and LBJ without any nostalgia…
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  • The Social Security model is simple and exclusively federal.  There was no structural impediment to adding the workers that it…
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