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    Planned obsolescence is a feature, not a bug, of capitalism.  Greatly facilitated by the penchant for the young to embrace…
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  • Guess the women's vote really is irrelevant and something to be jeered at for him. Why not?  It's not as…
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  • That would have been my guess.  Conservatives/traditionlists have plenty of experience with hypocrisy.  Doubt ole Strom's secret mixed race daughter…
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  • Guessing the "honeymoon" wasn't mutual. As rude (cowardly?) as "Dear Jane/John" letters, break-up phone calls, phone message machine break-up messaging,…
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  • As reading is a habit, JK Rowling deserves some credit for the change.  In my day, if one didn't graduate…
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  • May help him hide the closet from SC voters.  Or he pretends not to live in a closet and SC…
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  • It's Lakoff (George Lakoff) for those not familiar with his work in cognitive psychology.
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  • For someone who says "there is no right/wrong," you're awfully quick to claim "spare the rod, spoil the child." Children…
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  • What is right is to call him out for brutalizing his son.  Understanding that his behavior was likely learned from…
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  • This should be interesting to watch.  And perhaps a lesson in how to identify members of Congress that can be…
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  • The beef is that Paul frequently says something superficial or simplistic (and 99% of the time displays ignorance as well)…
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  • What a handful -- and extremely difficult task -- you've had to manage.   Your story reminds me of why…
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  • Lecture or spanking is about 1/100th of the variables needed for effective parenting.  And both are at the low end…
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  • Some improvement since the 1980s.  Houston USD banned CP in 2001. Was shocked to learn that California didn't ban it…
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  • Or maybe like Boston's Bulger brothers. What's the matter with Toronto?
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  • Once while teaching English to a class of lower and low income young adults, I posed the "is it okay…
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  • Your observations are correct.  Most adults did experience spankings or whuppings as children and most of them in turn did…
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  • We really need to see the numbers for pros in other sports, in the US and other countries.  Including the…
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  • Forgot or never noticed that Zarqawi was labeled another "Hitler" that we had to kill. How many times do we…
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  • Are any election poll results issued that don't include the MOE and the confidence level (most often 95%)?  Most pollsters…
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