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    Reference: The Guardian report of the UN report World population to hit 11bn in 2100 - with 70% chance of…
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  • A shame that all those people of color lost their homes while the TBTF crooks were bailed out and are…
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  • Well, she and the big money backed Baggers did keep their powder dry during the KS GOP Senate primary instead…
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  • Converts -- including all variants of "born again" -- are highly problematical.  The psychological investment they've made in their conversion…
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  • The media made Nixon president under orders from the PermaGov... A claim such as this one betrays a naive understanding…
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  • Then let them resolve it.  It's not as if KSA/Qatar, with help from Turkey, weren't instrumental in the creation of…
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  • Still waiting for the public release of Obama/Kerry's "irrefutable evidence" that Ukrainian separatists or Russians shot down MH17.  As with…
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  • Young guy that knew almost nothing about the topic he was presenting.  Not even enough to say, oops.  Way ahead…
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  • Review -- 1968. 3/12 NH primary: Johnson 49% and McCarthy 42% (Not that the NH primary had ever before had…
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  • Turkey declined even to grant overflight privileges to the US for GWB's war -- and turned down the huge bribe…
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  • Time will tell, won't it? Whose F-22 dropped bombs on Syria?  Hint: it wasn't KSA or Qatar.
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  • True story -- a college radio station DJ read off the list of performers that would appear at an upcoming…
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  • Not significantly different from GWB's "coalition of the willing" and GHWB's guarantee of contracts for US corporations to rebuild Kuwait.…
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  • Wisdom and vision are separate cognitive skills developed independently from education and intelligence as both Clintons so aptly demonstrate.  But…
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  • Only meant that LBJ wasn't a major player in the DEM party in 1972 and it was widely known that…
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  • As Connally was appointed Nixon's Sec Treasury in 1971 and urged Nixon to find a spot for GHWB, odd that…
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  • France is going with Daesh.  Also spelled 'DAIISH.'  Would shorten the whole thing to 'al-Sham' for English speaking audiences.
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  • In 1972, George McGovern was fifty years old.  He had served four years in the US House and ten in…
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  • No.  If he wanted to be another senior citizen running for POTUS in 2016, he should have done things as…
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  • ...what the hell "ISIL" means.  Or IS.  or ISIS. ISIS has to be junked -- too easily mistaken for Israeli…
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