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    A difference between educated "thinkers" on the right and left.  The former seek to manipulate the "rubes" into supporting and…
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  • Muffie -- traditions in the country club set do live on.  (and easy to ape if Muffie wasn't spawned in…
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  • Good luck with that strategy.  Been there and done that.  It never had the least impact.  Regardless of the importance…
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  • So common (and exceedingly tiresome) that former sinners are the first ones to cast stones at those who behave just…
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  • Checked out the 2008 election cycle and DWS was the only Democrat that Pepe donated to. Other Fanjuls threw some…
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  • WFLAGene: After speech about bartenders & working class, Marco Rubio beelines for billionaire sugar tycoon Jose "Pepe" Fanjul Dartmouth Business…
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  • They just keep coming. Boston Globe Former Gov. Deval Patrick to join Bain Capital Deval Patrick is joining the Boston…
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  • But Iraqi military units rolled into Kuwait; And that's our problem?  (Recall Saddam wasn't on the US shit list at…
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  • Were all the facts in the dispute(s) between Iraq and Kuwait aired for the US public?  Was Kuwait really slant…
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  • If the Gulf War had been an appropriate use of US military force, why did the administration lie us into…
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  • Why would informing the public of Powell's cover-up role in the My Lai massacre be equated with "going negative?" Adults…
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  • Worthy contribution, but not sure the details you add change my argument.  When it takes a super-majority to get the…
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  • All things between two candidates being equal (a fantasy standard), an affirmative action vote would be appropriate.  Otherwise, it's making…
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  • iirc, Ford would have been eligible to run for re-election in 1980.  So, flip on my part to say that…
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  • Reagan would still have been the 1980 nominee regardless of the outcome of the '76 election. Dewey in '44?  In…
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  • Warts and all, including everything we know now and didn't know then, LBJ and HHH were far better for the…
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  • I'm sure the average low income African-American considers that a shortage of black billionaires is what's keeping him/her down. OTOH…
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  • Why in retrospect I could consider GH Bush in 1992 isn't for what he could/would have done but for what…
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  • No.  It was back in the 1970s.  And it's possible that if I had the same facts before me today,…
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  • I did once vote for a Republican.  State Controller.  The choice seemed to be between a Republican with a record…
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