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    Seven million cockroaches perhaps, but not as children.
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  • Or just the gay marriage front---which is now before Roberts Repubs, who apparently will decide the whole thing on a…
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  • "Eternal punishment" for a human being is also imaginary.  Along with eternal life, heaven, and god.
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  • Difficult to let go of a notion that provides comfort to those that have been harmed by those that have…
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  • In fairness to NJ Democrats, it's not that they are more corrupt than Republicans in NJ or Republicans and Democrats…
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  • NJ really knows how to pick them don't they?
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  • for Palin or her loony MN comrade: With his Iran deal, Barack Obama is for the 300 million souls of…
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  • From Charlie Foolishness Knows No Party -- In which Governor Steve Beshear helps us learn that certain foolishness knows no…
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  • Arkansas Governor Says He Won't Sign 'Religious Freedom' Bill Until Changes Are Made.
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  • Pardon me but: In addition to her positions with nonprofit organizations, she [Hillary Clinton] also held positions on the corporate…
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  • A bit of a chicken or egg question on this issue.  No question that owners/employers have long used (their bought…
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  • Called this one: Walmart Asks Arkansas Governor To Veto Religion Freedom Bill The chief executive officer of Wal-Mart Stores Inc…
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  • By 2215, conservatives will still claim that the best medicine is the same one they've been recommending for a thousand…
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  • For a while (iirc 1998-2001), I got in the habit of watching the "talkies:" McLaughlin, MTP, and the ones on…
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  • Looks as if somebody forgot what happened to him the last time he jumped on the religious right bandwagon. Arkansas…
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  • "We will not embrace nor participate in exclusion or intolerance," said NASCAR, which is based in Florida and North Carolina.…
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  • In not for Charlie, I'd never know whatever bubbles out of Brooks' little mind on an all too regular basis.
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  • I'm going to disagree.  Organized labor doesn't get and/or maintain power absent government protections.  So, on that one Paul is…
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  • Otherwise, "the people" are on their own to do as they please, except women may be protected by local or…
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  • The Pauls are consistent even if their fanboys can't figure out what the Pauls' governance orientation means in the real…
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