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    Punished?  Perhaps for you, a short-term inconvenience or loss of an annual event that you enjoyed to attempt to right…
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  • The difference isn't doctors' salaries in general.  US primary care doctors don't earn more and many earn less than their…
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  • Many policymakers know that healthcare costs for US senior citizens (average annual costs/beneficiary) are significantly higher than what is consumed…
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  • not Wapo.
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  • WaPo on Bill Clinton's clean-up for Hillary's 2016 campaign ...Still, Mr. Clinton often cannot help being himself. And nothing animates…
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  • Shouldn't the spotlight and heat also be turned on and up all those in the IN legislature that passed this…
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  • Let's see if I have this right. The American Physical Society took a strong stand in favor of the ERA…
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  • Adam Johnson Why in a sane world, wld liberals spend 4-8yrs blowing political capital on these runaway narcissists? Its Stockholm…
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  • Next time I'll simply use "non-Jew" instead.  That's all I meant and thought it was clear.  But ...
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  • I believe 5'7 Rob Kennedy would've kicked Nixon's ass. Probably not. He might have won but not by much.  The…
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  • The Intercept SPOT ... The checklist is part of TSA's controversial program to identify potential terrorists based on behaviors that…
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  • Newsweek: Bush Gets Intelligence Group Award Every winter for the past several years, the CIA Officers Memorial Foundation has held…
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  • Checked on it and it's considered equivalent to gentile.  Plus, as a goy, I'm entitled.
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  • Was once dating a man who said something disparaging about Jews.  Disparaging enough that I said, "That sounds anti-Semitic."  He…
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  • That too, but that was two years after Gore chose Lieberman instead of Graham.
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  • [Bob]Graham [FL] was considered as a potential Democratic nominee for Vice President of the United States in 1988, 1992, 2000…
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  • Yes, they were sh**ty candidates.  But also, population wise MA is down with AZ.  From 1928-2012, MA is 1/4 for…
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  • Tidbit -- FL -- No FL politician has ever been nominated by either DEM or REP parties to POTUS or…
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  • The best good thing that Reid did was to bring Elizabeth Warren to DC.  A shame he didn't do more…
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  • Wasn't VA in the deep south at that time? And didn't mean to imply that the truth penetrated the minds…
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