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    I'm much better at recognizing phenomenon and synthesizing trends and data than I am at explaining certain forms of mass…
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  • Please try to read more carefully and not offer information that doesn't refute my statement. Ginsberg and Breyer didn't change…
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  • That was a long time ago.  In Il and not AR.  Back when it was perfectly legal in AR to…
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  • Have to hope there are 41 Senators that say, "not over my dead body."
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  • New dKos piece Who pays when workers are injured?  Not their bosses picks up on the theme with a focus…
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  • Here's the problem -- work comp is insurance.  Insurance products are regulated at the state level.  As we've seen with…
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  • In the '90s, didn't they first mostly appear in that Pittsburgh rag and Drudge?
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  • I'm sure the GOP has continued to use the laundry services of the NYTimes and WaPo.
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  • Thought The Hill was better than that -- but I too get them all confused.  Maybe it's okay on major…
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  • Another MSU School of Journalism graduate.   Guess the tabloids and Faux didn't have any openings.  
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  • He did.  And unlike you or me, he's a graduate of Harvard Law School.  An institution that wouldn't have considered…
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  • A bit from Charlie on this brainiac: Schock And Awe: The Esthetic Limits Of Conservative Grifting ... Is life unfair…
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  • Might have helped him.  Americans seriously don't appreciate obvious outside interference in US elections.  And the swift and negative public…
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  • Which variant?  When spoken, a few are barely recognizable as English to me.  As written, more recognizable, but often even…
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  • Dribbling would not be recommended to correct his posture.
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  • From billmon Of course, the urgent task facing Israel lobby & MSM is to flush Bibi's George Wallace imitation as…
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  • Seriously bad optics for Kasich in this photo. Substitute Jeb! for Weld in your imagination and Kasich would look even…
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  • Chomsky has been pointing out for like forever that truth and verifiable facts do leak through NYTimes articles regardless of…
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  • The thing is that they had some assistance in seeing clearly.  Strom bled off southern white votes from the Democratic…
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  • News to Dick Cheney.  Probably GHW Bush as well when he filled in behind the scenes for the ga-ga POTUS.
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