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    "A land with no people for a people with no land."  As a kid how could I not accept that…
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  • Well, I though GWB was terrible in all his debates against Gore and Kerry.  But that's because I listened. On…
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  • IMHO this is stunning: Did he forget that he wasn't at a KKK rally with no recorders allowed?
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  • Not likely.  iirc the Kochs and one or more of the Silicon valley "libertarian" billionaires like him.
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  • It's Rafael Edward Cruz.  Doubt he has the cajones to use his actual name in his campaign.  Unlike someone we…
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  • Not their style.  They're good at setting up an opponent as a "crazy loon" and winning.  Cruz is easy because…
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  • Let's see, mommy a US citizen and daddy a Cuban and later Canadian citizen (not clear which he was when…
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  • Sure -- the partisans will scream, "Remember 1992!"  And what your hissy fit led to that year.  You all want…
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  • So, you're rooting for the KSA "military proxies" to inflict significant injuries and deaths on what you call the "Iran…
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  • Powell's little rule was not only simplistic, but stupid and wrong.  To be more correct, "If you break it, you'll…
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  • Interesting question.  Off the top of my head, I'd say not enough.  Are any considering proportional or by the method…
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  • Your analogy would work better if the GOP didn't control both houses of Congress and most state houses and governor's…
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  • Jeb! doesn't have to save the GOP.  He just has to keep it breathing long enough for this latest brain…
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  • Here's one:
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  • Good one!  If we reflect on this for a while, we can probably come up a few more examples of…
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  • Sorry for all the typos and dropped words, but the gist of my comment is hopefully clear enough. Additional thoughts.…
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  • It's my understanding that the sponsors have to submit an adequate number of verifiable signatures by the filing deadline.  It's…
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  • Steve M is missing a step in that analysis.   There's an arc to the national public stage careers of…
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  • As odious as this effort is, it is more in line with the original intent of the initiative process than…
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  • But did he lead on those reports or was he picking them up from the other two leaders?  
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