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    You might want to reconsider referring to Cruz as Theodore because his name is Rafael Edward Cruz.  Can't recall anyone…
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  • a natural advocate/preacher. Looked for that -- but there's no cadence and rhythm in him.  Al Sharpton (who everyone knows…
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  • Bibi didn't mean all that nasty, racist stuff he said.  It was just election rhetoric for the rubes.  That's something…
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  • Not insightful.  Just enough speech and acting classes to know what to look for and at and to be a…
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  • Sustaining interest from the public (demographic irrelevant) requires more than delivering lines an audience approves of.  They have to have…
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  • Not worth the effort because there simply aren't many people around that have any familiarity with McCarthy visual imagery.  …
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  • It too don't see Perry and Santorum as factors this time around.  That's 35% of the IO 2012 caucus votes.…
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  • It makes little girls cry and peels off just enough of the white female vote for them to lose general…
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  • Early days still.  Perry's legal problems may yet become a problem for him.  Christie and Walker may also find themselves…
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  • Palin, '08, was more physically attractive.  Her folksy bullying was more initially palatable because it was presented as semi-serious.  Nothing…
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  • Okay -- from the snippet which is far more than I wanted to view -- my two cents. First, the…
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  • You mean I can't just make snarky comments without viewing his performance?
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  • Sure -- 2012 Murphy ran against the one term incumbent Allen West.  Barely winning because incumbents, even ones as crazy…
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  • It was Liberty U.  He could sport horns and a tail and it would sell there.
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  • Cruz released his birth certificate in 2013. It shows the birthplace of him and his parents.  It's non-responsive as to…
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  • at the top, you won't get people to run at the bottom. How do you get competition at the top…
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  • Graham or Wasserman-Shultz?  About as good as it gets for DEMs with name recognition and under the age of 55.
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  • ThinkProgrss on Cruz 2013 "The willingness to say all those crazy things is a rare, rare characteristic in this town,…
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  • His internet team didn't bother with notes either: somebody (not a friend) snatched up TedCruz.com and TedCruzforAmerica.com before they got…
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  • This is what happens when a political party gets shut out of statewide offices and a majority of congressional districts…
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