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    Oh, Boo -- facts are irrelevant to believers.  Last time I recall when facts did have an impact on believers…
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  • If I had cherry picked, I wouldn't have cited those two specific movies.  Comparable in box office receipts.  One a…
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  • Call it was it is at every opportunity, especially to the face of those as they tune into it, rat…
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  • Sunni governments ganging up on Yemen's Houthis.  Not at all like their responses to ISIS and al Queda.  OBL would…
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  • Not as if Hollywood doesn't make movies with female leads and/or predominately female supporting cast.  If the box office, domestic…
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  • Airlines might want to consider either cockpit porta-potties and handiwipes or diapers.
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  • And what's with an empty Black Box?! Inquiring minds want to know: Was the box intact enough so that its'…
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  • He'll make constant comparisons between his cost sharing and level of services under "Obamacare" with what he and his family…
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  • As depressing as this is: White men are still king of the silver screen with lead roles going to just…
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  • Galileo:Copernicus as AGW scientists:GS Callendar Galileo:heliocentrism as NOAA/IPCC:AGW RCC:geocentrism as fossil fuel industry:climate change denialists Galileo:RCC as NOAA/IPCC:GOP Galileo:Cruz as…
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  • Or logic.
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  • Not a nit -- thanks for the pick.  Do seem to have mental glitch with Iowa as IA and should…
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  • I honestly don't know who initiated the "not natural born" issue wrt to Obama.  Someone was snooping around on this…
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  • I'm all for having fun.  OTOH, I never concede unwarranted style or substance points to candidates on either side.  For…
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  • More connecting with "real Americans" Cruz style: Yesterday: Cruz: Five years ago today, the president signed Obamacare into law Audience:…
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  • Poppy didn't say that he grew up on and listened exclusively big band music but switched to country because Duke…
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  • Connecting with "real Americans" Cruz style: In a Tuesday morning interview, [Sen. Ted Cruz] said he used to be a…
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  • What's interesting about the Cheney example is how the left wing just dropped it.  Very telling contrast in how the…
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  • Your number for the hard right/TP/xtian fundie voter set is too large.  The purest, recent enough numbers that we have…
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  • The good thing about rabid, irrational ideologues is that they burn out quickly after achieving a bit of power.  A…
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