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    Let's hope it becomes as uncool and dies out as quickly as its predecessors.  
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  • As Col. Wilkerson recently said, "My party wants war."  The GOP's exists to satisfy the war lust of the rubes.…
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  • A copy edited by Ron Paul -- removing all the bits that his fellow travelers don't like and adding amendments…
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  • Eric Lipton - NYTimes: G.O.P.'s Israel Support Deepens as Political Contributions Shift ...President Obama will make his case to a…
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  • Cocaine/crack addicts describe their experience the same way you describe alcohol.  One hit and their looking for the next one.
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  • Edward Bernays put together freedom and torches as an advertising campaign a long time ago.  Easter Sunday Parade of 1929…
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  • Opioid Addiction: Hard to Predict Everyone's brain has a reward system, and millions of Americans use prescription pain pills --…
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  • That's just over $7/day.  SNAP allowance is $4/day.
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  • Charlie on the big announcement and helpfully reminding us of Rand's ignorant silliness. [Rand]We need to boldly proclaim our vision…
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  • "Vile Republicans" vs. corrupt Democrats in the "Land of Lincoln."  Rahm has upset that equation by being a "vile Democrat."…
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  • Right: The bill -- which limits TANF recipients from withdrawing more than $25 per day from ATMs In bizarro world,…
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  • Savage is barely a pimple on the ass of rightwing radio.  Best to ignore him. Schumer OTOH is major trouble…
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  • As far as I'm concerned, the Robert E Lee Memorial (maintained by the US Park Service) shouldn't exist.  It was…
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  • It's raining!  Not a big storm, but we parched Californians will take whatever we can get. The hot cross buns,…
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  • No.  It. Doesn't.   I'm perfectly capable of differentiating between an "awful candidate" and someone I agree with or like.…
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  • Yes, Clinton is an "awful candidate."  However, so too was GHWB in 1988.  And so far it looks as if…
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  • Provisionally, I'm going to give most of the credit to President Obama.  Had he not been stuck with Clinton as…
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  • Thomas is a convert. But how does Kennedy get around "reciprocity?"  Recall that Windsor was not legally married in NY…
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  • Is it possible to eliminate the fuzzy edges of line between "professional" and "personal?  Probably not.  However, those "fuzzy edges"…
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  • As Roberts went to parochial schools assumed that he was a lifelong Catholic.  Agree that the conservative Catholic majority on…
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