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    For purposes of this dispute, let's try to differentiate between what is said and how well it's said.  The former…
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  • Your beliefs don't trump facts. I don't give a shit that someone claims to be supportive of human equality if…
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  • Not likely.  But appears that NJ Democratic voters may be catching on. An interesting speculation wrt the impending indictments of…
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  • We might agree that most politicians aren't technically good public speakers.  There isn't a wide range between poor, serviceable, okay,…
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  • No -- you have no point because neither Paul has run in a GOP primary when a more obvious, overt,…
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  • More deft than Paul -- but there's only so many times that Cruz can pull this two-punch stunt when queried…
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  • Yes, but that's more popular in NJ than in other states.
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  • Christie's two GOP calling cards were 1) re-elected governor in a very blue state with a landslide win and 2)…
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  • Maybe he just likes to play golf.  It's not as if golf is like polo which is almost exclusively the…
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  • Probably not a blunder.  A majority of Americans like to see conspicuous consumption by wealthy people and the resident of…
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  • Cruz does get ruffled. Harwood: You've said a few things that don't necessarily comport with the facts, like, "125,000 I.R.S.…
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  • Oh sure, "rank-and-file" "middle America" is going to associate a crude flame graphic (only a small proportion will recognize it…
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  • Do you seriously think that the woman hasn't availed herself of substantial public speaking coaching during the twenty-three years that…
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  • Sure -- and the GOP "Southern Strategy" was merely a mirage seen by lefties outside the south. Not making any…
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  • Hillary has been seen to play golf.  But maybe that was just a photo-op and like many of us, only…
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  • And your point is?  This is one of the more ridiculous false equivalence assertions I've seen.  Obama is appropriately dressed…
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  • What I find interesting is how poorly Daddy Paul fared in the Deep South.  His racist styling doesn't zing there.…
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  • Was there in interim period when she started sentences with "You know, ...?"  I know that "you know, ..." wasn't…
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  • 4/8/15 - NYTimes Indictments May Be Near in George Washington Bridge Scandal ...The federal investigation into the lane closings at…
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  • Is Cotton auditioning to replace the stupid, warmongering Senator with a permanent seat on the Sunday talkies that the Beltway…
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