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    AIPAC congressional lobbyist.  Good food and drink, and some big bucks on the side working out military procurements.
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  • And the US had nothing to do with the overthrow of Allende?  Except info on that participation had been leaking…
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  • There's that risk.  OTOH, my morbid curiosity demands that I hang around for a while and watch the great unraveling…
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  • Practically, in the real world, not much difference between yours and mine.  Driving down the same road and merely questions…
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  • ...began working during the fifth grade, doing database management as an independent contractor for a bookstore chain.  He later bought…
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  • Which time?   "Direct intervention" ranges from the most extreme, air power and boots on the ground, to the almost…
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  • Bibi transparency/honesty is somewhat refreshing -- not hesitant to tell the world he's a racist scumbag. We get coded language…
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  • My take on how much nonsense they had to resort to in their attempts to delegitimize Obama is more optimistic…
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  • Gromyko admits that neither the social conditions nor any of the other circumstances were analyzed sufficiently when we "agreed to…
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  • Unfortunate writer/editor choice in this case to use this picture.  Graphic/dramatic for sure.  Authentic -- not so much. Bloix has…
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  • Because he handed over his ID when the cop asked for it?
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  • This was covered several days ago - a comment in the 47% Have No Decency diary thread.  Not that this…
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  • Cotton's first Senate floor speech: "The world is growing ever more dangerous, and our defense spending is wholly inadequate to…
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  • As OR is the first state to initiate DMV automatic voter registration nothing seems up for grabs at this point.…
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  • Other countries have a form of a national identity card.  That makes automatic voter registration very easy.  Everybody is already…
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  • Another hoop for poor people to jump through to prove that they're poor. And what about all the city folk…
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  • You could opt out and choose to vote a straight party ticket.   Of course, I said this in jest.…
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  • That came out wrong.  Should have been: I don't believe for a second that a high percentage of mail-in/absentee ballots…
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  • DMV registration = state issued photo ID.  I thought that lack of photo IDs or driver's licenses was one of…
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  • The will of citizens as of when? Many things affect voter turnout and inconvenient is likely the least of those…
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