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    Shocking coming from not just a lawyer but a Harvard Law "educated" lawyer isn't it?  While possibly not a majority,…
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  • Nice touch: illustrated by Robert Crumb.
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  • How would I know?  I've yet to figure out how anyone could vote for Nixon once much less twice.
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  • Support from the CPAC crowd and funded by billionaire assholes..  They love no-nothing bullies.
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  • 1996 US campaign finance controversy. Likely just as many, if not more, dodgy foreign money flowing into GOP coffers.  But…
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  • How soon before this committee realizes that they are opening a whoop-ass can of worms and retreats with "Never mind?"…
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  • Nemtsov's girlfriend's mother said that her daughter had recently had an abortion in Switzerland and Nemtsov was the father.  Seems…
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  • Evidence of the ultimate futility of joining ranks with the white, rightwing "christian" thugs.  Unless one is 100% like them,…
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  • Apparently clueless as to how a veto is overridden.  About as dumb as the birthers or idiots that call for…
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  • Another point -- misreading/misinterpreting polls and election results is how candidates and parties flub.   Had 1998 been half as…
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  • The Clinton-Lewinsky relationship was definitely a news and political issue during the 1998 election cycle.  Not exactly a campaign theme.…
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  • Easier to get "it to stick" when "both sides do it" can't be invoked. Had Vitter's prostitution escapades come out…
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  • Didn't realize that Durst hadn't been convicted of the Galveston murder and dismemberment -- bizarre in the same way the…
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  • The difficulty in making this case absent a quid pro quo to voters is that both sides do it.  It's…
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  • Obama and Biden, in their official positions, seem to be handling this issue well. Clinton, given her tin ear, has…
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  • That was then and this is now.  None of them went so far as to offer a mea culpa for…
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  • Flake did NOT sign the Iran letter.  So, wouldn't he be the one more likely to be "tarred as a…
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  • Sweet Home Alabama. could be yours. Scroll down and read the description of the offering.  Highest bid so far: $224.72.…
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  • GOP Iran Letter Criticism In Ohio, the Cleveland Plain Dealer and Cincinnati Enquirer endorsed Sen. Rob Portman's 2010 campaign, but…
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  • Obama definitely threw Sherrod under the bus.  Two important distinctions.  He hadn't hired Sherrod.  He apologized when he learned of…
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