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    The two-state solution is a dead horse. Was it ever a live one?  Or more like a unicorn for US…
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  • OTOH, crap like this makes me question why any of us bothers to vote at all: Petraeus Advising White House…
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  • We could also do general election automatic voting with an opt-out provision.  Straight party ticket by political affiliation.  That would…
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  • I have never met anyone that doesn't want their bank deposits insured.  Created a bit of a problem in the…
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  • Oregon's 100% mail-in ballot voting process was adopted in CO -- and the Democratic governor barely won re-election and a…
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  • The US turned the corner from a Republic to an Empire some time ago.  Perhaps we were always and Empire…
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  • Still not getting why "modern religions" today in Europe are feeding anti-Semitism.  Why are the dead-enders (white fascists) rising and…
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  • Maybe we should retire the word "populism" because its original meaning has been lost and is now conflated with "popular."…
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  • Will repeat for you as well -- Note there is no comma after WWII in my sentence: after the end…
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  • btw -- note there is no comma after WWII in my sentence: after the end of WWII and exiting for…
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  • Many did.  Most didn't. Not understanding the remainder of your comment in light of the reported recent upsurge in anti-Semitism…
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  • The Muslim immigration into western European countries hasn't been insignificant since the end of WWII.  Although it's not clear to…
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  • Was there ever a better time to do so?  Emigrating from one's home, the home of one's ancestors for hundreds…
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  • Zen would be the last word I'd ever think of in regard to any Republican politician much less a Bush.…
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  • If so, more likely repressed than in the closet.  As alcohol lowers inhibitions, significantly repressed.  Or the booze dulled his…
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  • Is current European anti-Semitism bubbling up from the same old cauldron that empowered the Nazis and led to the Holocaust…
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  • My education in world history wasn't strong enough to sense a return of the fall of the Roman Republic.  But…
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  • How many progressives did Obama hire?  And in the 2014 mid-terms, most Democratic candidates ran as far away from Obama…
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  • McCarthy was an alcoholic but not a womanizer.  The booze killed him at the age of 48.
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  • In land mass, Israel is roughly the size of New Jersey.  Difficult to imagine how the residents of that state…
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