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    105th Congress: Senate - GOP 55 House - GOP 227 106th Congress: Senate - GOP 55 House - 223 So,…
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  • What happens in China stays in China?
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  • ...still noticeable extent Mr. Clinton were experts at playing the game. Except for the small matter of his impeachment. He…
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  • The 'scuzzy, low-rent deal in AR' were scuzzy, low-rent deals in AR.  Nothing is nothing and not something. Yes, I…
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  • There is No Planet B Excellent! Now whatever shall we do about those that accept the reality of global climate…
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  • We were being asked to defend adultery and some scuzzy, low-rent deals in AR.  I don't do that in my…
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  • This: ...Harold Washington was running for mayor of Chicago in 1983, and though his organization was distinct from Jackson's, when…
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  • What if survival off a polluted earth is impossible for earthlings? Still waiting for my flying personal vehicle.  Instead all…
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  • Vonnegut's Galapagos.  A draconian, semi-adaptation.   While it was never easy, humans have managed to roam and inhabit of most…
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  • Powell was SOS before the revelation and subsequent flack about Rove using private email for public business.  Clinton set up…
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  • How much media coverage do all those other potential candidates receive?  Combined possibly not more than 10% of what Clinton…
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  • It's tough to be a lonely voice shouting in the wind. To be fair, it wasn't easy for Democrats/liberals to…
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  • Warren isn't encumbered by twenty years of following the Democrats ducking under their desks and cowering whenever Republicans start shooting…
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  • The whole email thing is a self-inflicted wound As if in 2006 there was no public flak over RoveCo's use…
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  • Always wondered why there is so much backbiting in the Clinton camp... Insecurity?  When politically expedient, the Clintons seem to…
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  • They have a habit of hiring awful people. They don't hire them because they're awful.  Like all bosses they hire…
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  • And.  And, we need to start building a bench of viable candidates. The bench is thin because DLC, "Third-way" Democratic…
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  • to keep Hillary on her toes and honest.  Not her strong suits.  I've commented before that even when I know…
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  • With you on this.  It was exhausting.  Also highly effective to keep liberals/progressives distracted from all the wretched neo-liberal legislation…
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  • POLITICO Caucus: Iran-letter backlash spreads to early states. One-third of Republican insiders believe that Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton and his…
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