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    Stronger than Thomas, but that is an incredibly low bar.   Unfortunately, Scalia's judicial/academic resume was strong.  A total of…
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  • The Chief Justice position isn't expected to be open anytime soon; therefore, comparisons to prior Chief Justices isn't particularly apt.…
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  • Darn -- completely lost my original point as to why I rank McGovern higher than HHH.  One word: "vision."  On…
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  • Now you're asking me to think really hard and also to articulate my thoughts (which isn't my strong suit). In…
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  • Agree wrt to the amount of crap LBJ dumped on HHH.  Unknown is whether HHH let it all run off…
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  • A solid, meat and potatoes New Deal guy.  Wouldn't rate him as highly as McGovern and a few others who…
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  • From Telsur NED Official Meets with Venezuelan Opposition Figures A high-ranking official from the National Endowment for Democracy recently traveled…
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  • What's this Democratic fascination with appointing comparative legal lightweight politicians to the SCOTUS?  What's needed are more legal scholar heavyweights…
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  • Skirted "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" definition of treason because they made a deal with the US ally.…
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  • Population of the non-signatory states is 140 million.  44% of the total US population of 318 million. (You owe me…
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  • Nope.  Kirk signed on.  None of the IN, ME, and TN Senators did.
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  • HHH was a decent man, but ethically compromised by the Vietnam War and possibly by having served as LBJ's VP.…
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  • He was truly lost without approving audience feedback.  A skilled pol or speaker can ad lib his/her way through unexpectedly…
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  • Probably the only reason why we learned of it later.  Doubt those in on the plot would ever have talked.…
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  • All those not in CA, CT, DE, HI, IN, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, NJ, NM, NY, OR, TN, VA,…
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  • She didn't interfere with peace negotiations.  The intent of her actions was to further peace.  The 47% don't want peace…
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  • As there was an active war with N. Vietnam, this isn't a strong counter-factual historical scenario analogy to the Iran…
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  • Team Nixon did successfully thwart the peace negotiations with N. Vietnam, but did it 1) covertly, 2) with the ally…
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  • Wouldn't expect reliability from Belmar or most police chiefs.  However, wrt the weapon, too many bullet in too many hands…
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  • Witnesses saw light effects that indicate a rifle... Belmar told a news conference authorities had possible leads in finding whoever…
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