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    Not sure I can take another two and a half years of bloggers partisan and/or personality defensiveness.  It does stymie…
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  • If the youngest among half of his viewers (currently age 72) can expect to live another fourteen years, what's the…
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  • In ten years, half his viewers will be dead.
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  • More on this from OpEdNews The 13 year project inaugurated on Memorial Day 2012 -- and is budgeted at $5…
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  • Old news I missed: In 2008, Congress created a 13-year, $5-million-per-year propaganda project to clean up the image of the…
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  • Another Christie sweetheart deal: Chris Christie donor's property venture given $106m by state after law changed. Journalists might want to…
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  • Hastings makes no mention of any US troops that were injured or killed in efforts to find and free Bergdahl.…
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  • This could become the must read article this week.  Rolling Stone has just republished Michael Hastings Freature on Bowe Bergdahl,…
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  • Eaten by NorthrupGrumman.
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  • Let he who is without a youthful screw-up speak first AFTER reading Michael Hastings June 2012 America's Last Prisoner of…
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  • Long-term planning requires vision.  Not a strength of USians.  Lurching from one disaster to the next one is more our…
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  • Litton?  That would be a miracle since it hasn't existed since 2001. Perhaps your meant NorthrupGrumman?  But at #72 on…
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  • Officer, teen and suspect killed in Norfolk shooting She would often see Brown [suspect] walk his dog in the afternoons…
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  • No.  Am I missing anything exceptional?
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  • And in less than 24 hours Cuomo confirms confirms that 58% of the WFP are suckers and/or idiotes: Cuomo explains…
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  • Borrowed from the Clintons.
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  • "`No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens." The Onion on the latest mass killing rampage.…
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  • Multiply the number of OWS peaceful protesters by a factor of ten or twenty, throw in a handful not-so-peaceful protesters…
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  • Have been wondering what the projected maps look like for Detroit.  Wouldn't it be a kick if MotorCity is the…
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  • "He says, `I can't think about five feet. What do you want me to do, move the whole city?' " Umm…
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