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    What I'm not yet clear on is when the manipulation - subverting the IT system - of wait lists began.…
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  • With luck Iowa Republicans will nominate this woman and she'll go down to defeat like "I'm not a witch" in…
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  • "Word like utterances" (h/t Charles Pierce) from Palin: "In many respects, illegal aliens in our country today are receiving better…
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  • Nope, she's hugging Kynect and running away from Obamacare and ACA just as McConnell is.   Beshear is the only…
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  • Snowden's response to release of e-mail by US officials. Perhaps when the truth is on one's side, slam-dunks are easier.…
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  • Following Obama's lead, Shinseki didn't clean house when he took on the assignment according to a career VA medical center…
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  • ...they will need an IT solution that is robust enough to forestall cheating. Pardon me, but as I detailed in…
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  • Shinseki was not the head most Vets wanted -- Where Vets stand on Shinseki?  60% said that he shouldn't resign.…
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  • Good for Beshear.  But if Grimes can't effectively follow his lead, McConnell will be rewarded with another term.
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  • Eric Shinseki resigns over veterans affairs healthcare scandal. Is this the man Vets wanted to take down?  heh -- nothing…
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  • She's been running since 1999.  Bill Clinton almost had to be pried out of the WH in 2001 and had…
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  • Because he had no wealth or income and chose not to cash in on his status by securing corporate board…
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  • One reason why sports franchises have become so valuable (a commodity for 1% to buy and sell amongst themselves) is…
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  • All those non-educational amenities and lavish salaries for presidents and campus "stars" on the backs of part-time profs and students.…
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  • One isn't a true Californian if one doesn't know Julia Morgan. Confiscatory taxation is a better solution -- then we…
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  • Hearst even hired a woman, Julia Morgan, as the architect/civil engineer.  Should also note though that he raided a lot…
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  • Getting a whiff of deja vu from 2003 and the recall of Gov Gray Davis.  Issa bankrolled it expecting to…
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  • It's important, but at the moment, everybody seems to have already taken a position and nobody is willing to budge.…
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  • A class of billionaires bidding against each other for used (pre-owned) trophies that create nothing new or do any good.…
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  • Or over a spilled drink in a nightclub.
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