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    Soros isn't a bond trader. I try not to be a fan of any politician.  Easier that way to engage…
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  • According to the Centers for Disease Control, 12 million people reported using prescription painkillers non-medically in 2010 (meaning without a…
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  • Those that were there would know how disingenuous your factoid citation is. The numbers of those drafted for the Vietnam…
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  • In this instance, I was there.  Not that that is a singular requisite criteria for knowledge of history, culture, etc.…
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  • In the US, a doctor = a god.  A few too many authoritarian and greedy doctors in this country believe…
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  • If you were one of the "few," so be it.  (You know everything that's discussed here isn't about you as…
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  • We need a redeemer, marie2. Redeemer Ron/Rand Paul?  --- excuse me while I ROTFLMAO --  Not that I agree that…
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  • Do you have a source for that allegation?  It doesn't appear in the NYMag profile of Ms. Miller.  What does:…
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  • Evidence for my #1 (she's a woman) from Ken Auletta at: The New Yorker ... I'm told, Abramson discovered that…
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  • Ukraine's Shlapak Sees U.S.-Backed Bond Sale Before Vote. The Ukrainian government will hold a $1 billion U.S.-backed bond sale before…
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  • Forced birthers = sexism.  As a woman, I get that.  It's proof.  Pathetic that you don't. Ta-Nihisi Coates ... Still…
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  • Considering that I thought Mitt Romney was the biggest compulsive liar that I have ever encountered in any facet of…
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  • A boot-licking partisan of either political party is nothing other than an idol worshiper.  A political partisan accepts tiny crumbs…
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  • Bill Moyers was a huge fan of Samantha Powers a few years ago.  So, even highly thoughtful liberals can get…
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  • Would agree with your assessment.  Marginal in that when they went with Obama admin talking points they didn't wait for…
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  • Learned long ago that most self-identified liberals are merely partisan Democrats that filter all issues through a lens of narcissism…
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  • They're still required to spend 80% of premium dollars on health care delivery... Because 20% of health insurance premium dollars…
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  • Only superficially complicated.  With Obama/Kerry/Nuland lined up with the neo-Nazis in Ukraine, the wingers are between a rock and Putin.…
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  • Guess we'll have to wait for Rush and the rightwingers to go ballistic about this and demand no further US…
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  • Whatever makes you think that I didn't and don't know exactly what I said in my comment?  I prefer not…
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