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    Robert Parry continues his excellent reporting and analysis of Ukraine in Ukraine's `Dr. Strangelove' Reality This brutal Nazism surfaced again…
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  • The "Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev" is an excellent article.  Stands well on its own.
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  • Have to disagree: The Obama administration made a huge miscalculation in forcing regime change in Libya, spreading terror and weapons…
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  • Partly because I grew up in the suburbs where everyone else was a Republican. Oh, my.  The "going along to…
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  • It's the content of their prayers and their idols that are the most objectionable:   ...Rather will we continue doing…
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  • Does that mean that you were okay with Nixon, Ford, and Reagan?    
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  • Before HFCS were created in the 1980s, a lot of cane sugar Coke and corn syrup were consumed in the…
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  • A lesson for bloggers?  Courtesy of Doonesbury.
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  • How far back in time would we have to go to find the "Christians" that practiced what their messiah preached?…
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  • Romney was out there spouting off about Obama/State Dept. failures while demonstrators were still outside the Cairo Embassy and before…
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  • Will have to defer to others here on this one as it's new to me and it didn't get passed…
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  • I have this vague memory from when I was seven or eight asking why we didn't have maypoles to dance…
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  • Justin Doolittle May Day: While the World Celebrates Workers, the US Celebrates "Loyalty" and "Law" ... During the height of…
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  • She is a career member of the Foreign Service, not some random appointee ...   Not random, but she was…
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  • And how unfair that to appease student malcontents, Rice has to forgo a fat check and another doctoral degree. She…
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  • Wow -- Petraeus and James O'Keefe on the same stage.  The bucks must be very good.
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  • The US had mental health institutions where blatant non-conformists could be sent and shot up with drugs and subjected to…
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  • UMass Amherst commencement 2007:
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  • Notices you skipped over "culturally."  I said, culturally incredibly provincial.  How well do you think "Pussy Riot" would have gone…
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  • Totally legitimate for students and faculty to object to a commencement speaker chosen by the school's administration.  Former SOS Rice…
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