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    "I believe ..." out of the mouth of any candidate for public office should disqualify the candidate.  It's the words…
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  • They scurried likety-split when Cliven Bundy spoke out loud "wondering" if "the Negro" wasn't better off as a slave.  Maybe…
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  • If so, when do they recognize that they can't afford to own and operate a private passenger vehicle?  Then demand…
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  • A correction to Silverstein's piece: Billmon is one the great progressive bloggers. I don't even hold it against him that…
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  • They are overrun with wackos and they are also exceedingly ignorant and/or dumb.  They appear incapable of understanding that merely…
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  • ...the libya project does not seem to be going well. In all armed conflicts there are winners and losers --…
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  • Several points in the project cost real money.  An asset that Nakoula didn't possess.  For the little information that was…
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  • The origin of and funding for the "movie" went cold (or was quashed) once it was attributed to Nakoula Basseley…
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  • ... why were they there? That's easy.  It was ground zero for the US covert operations to take out Gaddafi.…
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  • Juan Cole is an American "liberal."  As such, he's a sucker for imaginary "white hats" that rise up in opposition…
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  • Not to be forgotten, the original "macacca" moment wasn't in a debate, speech, or public event.  Had it not taken…
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  • Three days later, 9/14/12, Romney on ABC went on and on about the statement issued by the Cairo Embassy before…
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  • May 17, 2012: Romney fundraiser.  Secret video recording - transcript. Audience member: If you get the call as president, and…
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  • Not since the super-charged-financialization of the US Economy. Colleges Pay Huge Honorariums ...Fees ranging from $5,000 to $50,000 are fairly…
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  • Those were long-standing Republican/corporatist policies that needed but a few well-placed DINOs to complete.  Just as I never excused the…
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  • Doubt the "time eleventy" part.  And doubt that you or anyone now demanding/supporting US military action to rescue these kidnapped…
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  • The stupid part of that revelation is that Democrats/liberals still love that guy and are prepared to elect his like-minded…
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  • Torch cutting rebar in 35 mph winds after completion of the multimillion dollar bridge falsework.  Whoosh -- big fire.  Serious…
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  • But it still blows my mind sometimes how shallow and transparent their efforts are. When easy and cheap works, no…
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  • Hagen just drew the 2014 version of Todd Aiken opponent for her re-election bid.  If her campaign is halfway decent…
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